Friday, June 19, 2009


I went to download this long awaited OS update for my iPhone last night and DISASTER STRUCK! As usual. I actually ended up falling asleep while waiting for my phone to update, but when I woke up I skipped happily over to my computer to see what wonders Apple had in store for me only to discover some sort of error message and a completely empty iPhone. YES I SAID EMPTY! Needless to say I freaked out. My whole life is on that phone! Seriously. Sorority contacts, to-do lists, to buy lists!!! AHHH!!!

After I managed to calm myself down I realized I could just restore my phone to it's factory settings and then sync everything back up! YAY! Luckily it worked and it also seems to have installed the new OS that it "couldn't" install the previous night. As far as I can tell everything is all right in my iPhone universe. Dodged a bullet there.

Now for your question of the day, this comes via Razz on Twitter:

ok come u can poo easier after several hours of sex and/or masterbating?


Because you're relaxed of course!!! If you're anything like me and you live your life in a constant state of nervousness and tension, a little relaxation can go a long way!

Kiss kiss



  1. Hahahahahahahah!!!

    PS Sorry about the phone drama.

  2. and yall want to convince me that the Apple way is the only way to go huh? PFT! imagine all the iphones suddenly crashing...can you imagine the chaos let alone the carniage that would ensue mwha ha ha ha! Not that i wish that on any of you BUT it would be fun to watch XD

    thanx...i knew this but you kept begging for a question so yeah =P
